Mar 29, 2013


Found this somewhere on the Internet (where?) - so true!

Mar 22, 2013

Mar 8, 2013

The Art of Asking

Amanda Palmer gave a TED talk on The Art of Asking the other day. On the art of asking for money and food and places to stay, to be exact. She likes to give away her art and music according to a "pay what you want" / Creative Commons philosophy and asks her fans for all sorts of help in return. This appears to have been going very well for her, and it is cool to see how trusting complete strangers isn't always stupid - and can actually lead to mutual happiness. Yay!

Mar 7, 2013

Guerilla Gardening in South Central L.A.

"Come on, really? A warrant for planting food 
on a piece of land you couldn't care less about?"