Aug 17, 2010

GCB on

Katrin Strohmaier wrote an article on blogs edited by women (entitled Wie im echten Leben or Like in Real Life) that quotes me as saying that women often lack technical knowledge. I would like to clarify that this sentence was part of an original statement I made that touched upon a wider context:

As women don't usually receive much technical education, many of them are self taught. And while the expertise acquired in private study may be vast in some cases, most female bloggers aren't trained information scientists and have never disassembled a hard drive. Luckily, for blogging your opinion, you don't need to be able to take apart computers (or I wouldn't do it). Nevertheless, I do believe that encouraging girls and teenage women to use Internet technologies self-confidently is key to a louder female voice on the web. 

In any case: Thanks, Katrin, for featuring me in your article! (Picture Source)


  1. Ein sehr guter Artikel ist das! Ich habe ihn soeben verschlungen.

    Liebe Grüße***

  2. wirklich gut geschrieben, sodass ich gerne mal wieder geflattert habe.
    VG Jana

  3. The more we know, the less we'll be ripped off by men claiming to be IT whizzes and charging over the top to sort out simple technical hitches.

  4. @all Freut mich, yes, thank you! :)

  5. Um so wichtiger ist Dein Blog, lieb Annina! Aber ist die Lage wirklich so deprimierend? Ich mag's kaum glauben...
    Liebe Grüße
