May 21, 2011

GCB Shares: "I will only tell this story once."

Brave as any woman can be, CBS reporter Lara Logan recalls the February night on Tahrir Square in Egypt, when a mob tore off her clothes and violently sexually assaulted her in the middle of the road. She decided she would only tell this story once, hoping that this one telling is heard by as many people as possible. (Source)

Roseanne-cast in Season 1: Source
In another US TV-related story, Roseanne Barr, one of my childhood heroines, has written an essay on sexism in the media industry and her difficult rise to stardom: And I should know. I  loved the part where ABC sent her a cake to celebrate her show's one year anniversary in 1988; knowing what men were given for equal success, Roseanne and her co-star George Clooney took the cake outside where she snapped a picture of him hitting it with a baseball bat to send it to the producers. You go, girl! (Source)

Apparently, Yoga benefits breast cancer patients. Among affected women tested, those practicing Yoga while in treatment were of better general health, had lower stress hormone levels and saw improvement of their physical state altogether. Source and more information.

While I have recently stopped eating meat and have been very good at forgoing fish, too, I am aware that not all of us are willing to give up the tastes we grew up with for ecological reasons just yet. So I was happy to see that Canadian blogger Eco Yogini collected a bunch of eco-tips for eating fish.
Im Missy Blog analysiert das TeamBaselPop die Frauenfiguren in Tarantino-Filmen: Von Kampfmaschinen und Sexobjekten.
Das LaDIY-Fest, ein Mitmachfestival in Berlin, sucht noch Helferinnen. Freiwillige vor!
Cathrin Karras erklärt uns Nicht-VietnamesINNen die Geschichte der Phở, dem vermutlich bekanntesten vietnamesischen Gericht weltweit: Das Leben ist zu kurz für schlechte Suppe.

Boy's Corner:

Leo has advice on how to deal with negative people. Can't we all use that sometimes?
Sascha Lobo beschreibt im Forschungs-Blog des Fraunhofer-Instituts, warum Frühwarnsysteme für Erdbeben am besten funktionieren, wenn sie aus der Luft kommen: Vor dem Beben ist vor dem Beben.


  1. Lara Logan ist eine Wahnsinnsfrau. Sehr berührend das Video!

  2. Ja, nicht wahr? Obwohl ich sie ehrlich gesagt vor dieser schlimmen Geschichte gar nicht kannte. Super, dass sie den Mut hatte, was ihr passiert ist so auszudrücken!

  3. Ich auch nicht, aber das Video hat mich überzeugt! Finde das unglaublich toll, dass sie in der Öffentlichkeit darüber spricht.

  4. hast du eigentlich meine E-Mail bekommen? :)

  5. Äh, nö? Von wann war die denn? Bitte unbedingt nochmal an: mail(at)anninaluzieschmid(punkt)net Danke! :)

  6. ah Mist, ich hatte es fast befürchtet. mein blödes Mail-Programm!
