Mar 4, 2010

Girls Blog, Too, You Know

Dear bloggers and blog readers,

when it came to my attention that women are underrepresented in most blog charts, I wondered why. Certainly, there are many intelligent and outspoken girls and women out there who have been active in the blogosphere. Where are they, though? How come that, as of February 2010, we only know a fraction of them?

GIRLS CAN BLOG would like to raise awareness of the relatively small number of female opinion leaders (both online and offline).

To this end, GIRLS CAN BLOG would like to host a collection of professional and semi-professional blogs edited by women of all backgrounds and areas of interest. Young girls especially should be encouraged to use the Internet to make themselves heard.

GIRLS CAN BLOG is pro open-source knowledge and very interested in networking with international organizations who aim for the advancement of women and girls in society. Education and the ability to read and write are crucial in a world that is taking place on screens more and more.

As of yet, GIRLS CAN BLOG is a private initiative, but I would love to turn it into a proper organization eventually. In the meantime, please support this blog by mailing your favorite links and best ideas to girlscanblog (at)

Looking forward to hearing from y'all!


PS The links to the right are for starters only - soon, there will be more links, reviews and relevant news. Follow GIRLS CAN BLOG on twitter to be sure not to miss any important updates.


  1. I blog! And almost all the blogs I link to are by women.

  2. i blog two. and i know a lot of girly-blogs, which are very interesting - like those who are in my blogroll :)

  3. Hi,

    one week ago I have given an overview over 20 women who blog on EU politics titled "20 women who run the EU (blogosphere)" - maybe these blogs may be of interest for you.

  4. @all thanks for your input, i'll check your suggestions as soon as i get to it! best, annina

  5. There's a vast number of bicycle blogs by girls. I write "Cycling is good for you" with two other girls in Europe :). Love the community around it. A lot of women seem to be interested in traffic related issues although not all of them have an engineering/scientific background.

    Thanks for showing other topics that women are blogging about :).

  6. Hi Anna, wow, this looks like an interesting blog - I love its international approach! If you like, feel free to answer the interview questions (in German, ideally) and mail them back to me along with two photos.

    ...And I'm glad you're enjoying the portrait series, of course! :)

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  7. I couldn't find an e-mail address, so I thought I could post here:
    I'd also love to be linked in your blogroll.
    I'm a 16 year old girl from Austria and I've got a blog called "June-eleventh" (my birthday)

    Greetings, Christina!

  8. Check out my blogs:

  9. Annina, what a great idea you had, I too begun blogging, my way of releasing stress. I am a stay-at-home mom of a beautiful little four year girl (my angel), a freelance graphic designer and helping my husband with all his paperwork at the office. Finally sitting in front of my blog and posting a new article, video or comment is my idea of relaxation; well that and every other way I talk about on my blog :)

    A year or so later, I gained two contributors and we would love to be featured on your site as well! Here is our link:

  10. i just started blogging. my newborn blog is about my art, my (arty) view of life and my first steps as an art-teacher with all the difficulties and spare possibilities in school(lessons). and i hope blogging will connect my with people who bring my fresh, alternative ideas and it already helps my to focus on whats important for me.

  11. Thank you all for your comments! I will check out your blogs as soon as I find the time! Greetings from Berlin :)

  12. I blog too :-)

    About Politics, Philosophy and mostly myself ^^

  13. hi :)

    maybe you'd like to feature my blog, too. i'd be very happy! i blog about graphic t-shirts and related stuff:

    thx & byebye,

  14. i just started a blog, too: i want to focus on the visual representation of gender in society. so far i love it. and hope to get well connected in the blogosphere.

  15. Danke für den Hinweis, bist gleich mal in meinen Reader gewandert! ;) LG

  16. hi annina,

    wir - die lettrétage - sind ein literaturhaus in kreuzberg, das momentan ein schüler_innenprojekt betreibt, in dem es darum geht, dass schülerinnen und schüler online texte von 4 internationalen autoren kommentieren, um- und weiterdichten können und sich auf unserem blog mit den autoren austauschen können. wir wollen natürlich möglichst viele leserinnen und leser erreichen, damit ein guter austausch entsteht. vielleicht hast du lust, uns zu featuren oder über uns zu berichten? hier der blog:
    mehr infos gebe ich dir gern!

    viele grüße,


  17. Empowering initiative! GIRLS CAN BLOG seeks to amplify women's voices online, advocating for diversity and encouraging young girls to share their perspectives. Kudos!
