Another list of scholarships after the jump - this time including offers by the LSE, amongst others. There are also similar older posts here and here that feature calls for submissions with deadlines that are still open...
* The London School of Economics (LSE) has a bunch of PhD scholarships to award: Two with the North Africa Programme on Politics, Economics and Society and two with the Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States. All scholarships are for full-time PhD students, allow for £12,500 per annum starting Autumn 2011, and are renewable for up to three years. The LSE is seeking to support young and very capable academics who will develop their proposal into a significant work of research. Arabic-speaking applicants will have an advantage. Submit your CV and research proposal (no longer than two pages A4) by email to Ian Sinclair i.sinclair (at) lse (dot) ac (dot) uk before 30 April 2011. Note: To take up the scholarship the successful candidate must be accepted onto a PhD Programme at the LSE starting in Autumn 2011. Even more scholarships for the LSE are available here.
* The International Political Economy Society (IPES) is now accepting paper proposals for its annual meeting in November at the University of Wisconsin. Proposals (250 words max.) can only be submitted here before 15 March 2011. While they are particularly interested in recruiting participants and papers from outside the field of political science, all contributions must discuss economic phenomena. Who wishes to be considered for travel funds, should explain in a separate paragraph below her abstract why assistance is necessary. More info on the previous IPES meetings and this call for papers here.
* The International Journal of Communications (IJOC) calls for articles on the recent Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions in North Africa to be published in a special features section in 2011 - exact topic: “Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions and the Role of Communication Technologies”. By addressing these events, the magazine aims to have a better understanding of the role of communication technologies as instruments for social change. The submissions, empirical or theoretical, could be short observations, analyses or opinions of 1,500–5,000 words. Papers should follow the APA style (5th Ed.). Submission deadline is 15 March 2011. Please send submissions to: Ilhem Allagui at iallagui [at] aus [dot] edu.
* Wie bereits auf meinem Facebook-Profil verbreitet, suchen die Linux Wochen Wien noch bis zum 1. April 2011 Beiträge rund um Linux, freie Software und Open Source. Mehr Infos hier.
* Annika Piecha von der TU Dresden bittet um Unterstützung Ihrer Forschung zu gesundheitsförderlicher Arbeitsgestaltung. Frei unter dem Motto "Burnout? Nein danke!" können Berufstätige sie hier mit der Beantwortung einiger Fragen zum Thema unterstützen (ca. 10 Minuten).
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