In 2010, visitors from 112 countries stopped by to check out GIRLS CAN BLOG. Thanks so much for your interest, cooperation and support - I have been absolutely stoked you people like the project and I've already got plans and ideas for it for 2011. So please keep blogging, girls! (Not yet started? Here are five good reasons to do so!) For a list of most read articles in 2010, the top five blogger portraits, personal highlights and more, please follow the jump for a last time in 2010....
Dec 31, 2010
Dec 30, 2010
Eman Hashim

Follow the jump below to get an extensive, interesting insight into blogging in Egypt. Issues discussed include the importance of speaking up loudly, the role of women in the fight against domestic violence, and why Eman loves twitter (@emanhashim).
Dec 29, 2010
International Summer Schools & Calls for Papers
During the holidays, I have amassed quite a list of summer schools, stipends and CFPs. Follow the jump for more information on programmes by the EU, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and more...
Dec 27, 2010
My Favorite Strings
Nikola Richter has started another German blog called My Favorite Strings. Topic: Jazz violins... Wow! Find out more in her "About". I had no idea she was into this - it's always so much fun to discover what your friends are into. Apart from blogging, I mean. ;)
Dec 25, 2010
Rosa Linke
This week, please meet Rosa, the Weimar-based graphic designer behind illustration blog Rosa Linke.
Follow the jump below to find out which blogging network you should join in order to network with other visual artists, why blogs are great outlets for unused material, and which other blogs Rosa recommends.
Dec 23, 2010
Of Influencers and Mass Mavens
According to this FAZ article, only 4% of European Internet users are responsible for 80% of all brand-related opinions. These relevant users are called "influencers" and hardly ever produce own content. Instead, they share their opinions and reviews by distributing material they found elsewhere on the web: In blogs or on websites of an estimated another 11% of users called "mass mavens". In a combined effort, mass mavens and influencers might reach an audience of more than one million people. Curiously enough, marketing executives seem to have problems tracking these influencers down, though. Sounds like a rather lame excuse for not being able to convince them of promoting their goods...?
Dec 21, 2010
For German Readers: Deutsch-Französischer Dialog
Auch 2011 organisieren die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), die Robert Bosch Stiftung und das Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri) wieder den "Deutsch-französischen Zukunftsdialog": Ein Projekt, das dem Aufbau eines Netzwerks deutscher und französischer Nachwuchsführungskräfte dienen soll. Gesucht werden Hochschulabsolventen zwischen 25 und 35 Jahren, die ihre berufliche Laufbahn in den Bereichen Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien oder Technik begonnen haben. Nähere Informationen sowie sämtliche Ausschreibungsformulare gibt es unten rechts auf der Seite des Zukunftdialogs, Bewerbungsschluss ist der 31.01.2011.
Dec 20, 2010
Dec 19, 2010
Some Interesting Articles
'Sorry, Hamas, I'm Wearing Blue Jeans' on blogger Asmaa Alghoul's work in Gaza, 'Sag. Einfach. Nein!' über die Kampagne PinkStinks und ein Hinweis von Lina Ben Mhenni darauf, dass sich jugendliche Selbstmorde aufgrund von Zukunftsangst in Tunesien häufen.
Dec 18, 2010
Anne Seubert of Kekstester
Christmas time is cookie time! What better season could there be to introduce Anne Seubert's tempting blog Kekstester ["Cookie Tester"], an homage to cookies in all shapes and forms?
Follow the jump below to find out more about cookie testing as a profession, the lack of German cookie culture (in spite of its long bread baking tradition), and why patience is key to successful blogging...
Dec 17, 2010
1 Post = 30 Breakfasts promised to donate 25€ to the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk [German Children's Fund] for every banner published on a blog before 27 December 2010. More information and eligibility requirements here.
R.I.P. Delicious
Someone at the New York Times wrote an article on the digital execution of bookmarking service Delicious: Yahoo is to blame, yet no date has been set. (Via Franziska Schmid)
Dec 16, 2010
Wanted: German-Speaking Culture Bloggers!

Nikola Richter vom Theatertreffen-Blog sucht internationale Kunst- und Kulturbloggerinnen, die live vom Theatertreffen 2011 der Berliner Festspiele berichten möchten. Einsendeschluss für Bewerbungen ist der 01.02.2011, mehr Informationen zu Anforderungen und Ablauf gibt es hier.
Dec 15, 2010
For German Readers: Buchtipps zu Weihnachten
Seit gestern sammelt die liebe Simone Finkenwirth auf ihrem Blog literarische Empfehlungen von "Freunden und Verbündeten". Falls Ihr also noch Inspiration für Weihnachten oder einfach mal wieder ein gutes Buch braucht: Hier geht's lang zur Klappentexterin...
20 Facebook Infographics
Today, I found 20 infographics on Facebook on That's a German blog, but 18 of the infographics are in English, so they're definitely worth a look for international readers, too.
Dec 14, 2010
For German Readers: Sinnvoll schenken!
Über das Piratenweib hat der Mädchenblog erfahren, dass auch Frauenhäuser Wunschlisten führen. Und nein, da steht nicht nur "Geld" drauf! Wer also ein Päckchen bei einer Institution in der eigenen Umgebung vorbeibringen möchte, informiere sich bitte hier, was gebraucht wird.
Dec 13, 2010
Margaret Heckel of Starke Meinungen

Follow the jump below to find out about Margaret's famous partner in digital crime, how her team blog works, and why tweeting is a supreme form of journalism...
Eingestellt von
Blogger Portrait Series,
Dec 12, 2010
Dec 11, 2010
Dec 8, 2010
Anna Bas Backer of Chicks on Comics
Today, please meet visual artist Anna Bas Backer of group blog Chicks on Comics. Those of you who know their stuff might have seen her illustrations in the Exberliner magazine before. All others, especially those of you interested in South America, just follow the jump for work samples, link tips, and... the odd joke! :)

Eingestellt von
Blogger Portrait Series,
South America
Dec 7, 2010
Dec 6, 2010
In a recent post entitled This Woman is my Shero: Standing up to Sexual Harassment, Starrene Rhett mentions Hollaback!, a New York City based initiative dedicated to ending street harassment by the use of mobile technology. Interesting!
Dec 5, 2010
For German Readers: Wählt die Bloggerin des Jahres!
Wie bereits 2009 suchen die Kolleginnen der Mädchenmannschaft auch dieses Jahr wieder die Bloggerin des Jahres. Vorschläge samt Begründungen werden noch bis zum 31.12. um 14:00 Uhr angenommen, dann wird von der Redaktion nominiert bevor zuletzt nochmal das Publikum die Siegerin wählt. Nominiert Euch also schnell die Seele aus dem Leib! ;)
Dec 4, 2010
Oriana Fallaci on Disobedience
"I have always looked on disobedience toward the oppressive as the only way
to use the miracle of having been born."
Dec 3, 2010
Franziska Schmid of Veggie Love
Veggie Love, edited by consultant Franziska Schmid, is the first vegan blog I came across. In spite of the blog's very young age, Franziska puts great effort into her posts - which makes reading it highly enjoyable.
Follow the jump below to understand why to Franziska, Veggie Love is not just a blog name but a whole way of life, whom she really writes for, and why the most difficult thing when it comes to blogging is finding an issue to blog about...

Follow the jump below to understand why to Franziska, Veggie Love is not just a blog name but a whole way of life, whom she really writes for, and why the most difficult thing when it comes to blogging is finding an issue to blog about...
Dec 2, 2010
For German Readers: What is Sexual Assistance?
The other day, Jule recalled an interesting conversation she had with her friend Lotte. Lotte is a professional sexual assistant for physically disabled people. Sexual assistance might consist of anything from counseling to hands-on demonstrations of masturbation and is similar to sexual therapy/ Sexualtherapie. Both are accepted forms of social pedagogy that have nothing to do with prostitution. This means that anyone who is interested in receiving sexual assistance from experts like Lotte needs a prescription or doctoral referral.
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