Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue. The aim is to spark a global discussion and raise awareness. This year's topic is "Water". For more information on the choice of topic and suggested post ideas - i.e. polluted oceans or bottled water -, please visit the initiative's website. At least to me, participating sounds like a good idea!
Sep 30, 2010
Sep 29, 2010
Irgendeine Userin of Ja! Es sind Comics!
Irgendeine Userin was the first woman in Germany to blog on graphic novels. Already since 2006, she has been updating fans and interested newbies on new comic publications, movie theatre adaptations, and everything else you need to know on her blog Ja! Es sind Comics!.
Follow the jump below to read her product suggestions to the comic industry, to find out why is her favorite blog host, and to meet her favourite superheroine.

Follow the jump below to read her product suggestions to the comic industry, to find out why is her favorite blog host, and to meet her favourite superheroine.
Eingestellt von
Arts + Culture,
Blogger Portrait Series,
Sep 28, 2010
Sep 27, 2010
Diversity at New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2011
Anne Feldkamp of Blica found an interesting diagram detailing the ethnic origion of models hired to walk at the New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2011. And, surprise, 81.8% of them were white.
Sep 26, 2010
Floating on a Lake
Fräulein Zucker, who designed the Girls On Web Society Logo I mentioned the other day, also takes beautiful photos!
For German Readers: Onlineumfrage zu Arbeit und Umfeld
Caroline, die derzeit an der Goethe Universität in Frankfurt promoviert, sucht noch Teilnehmer für Ihre Onlinestudie zum Thema „Subjektives Erleben von Arbeit und sozialem Umfeld“. Wenn Ihr ihre Forschungsarbeit unterstützen möchtet, folgt diesem Link und beantwortet ihre Fragen. Zum Dank wird ein Amazon-Gutschein verlost.
Sep 25, 2010
Update: Six Years and 76 Lashes for Shiva Nazar Ahari!
According to Reporters Without Borders, journalist and human rights activist Shiva Nazar-Ahari was sentenced to six years in prison and 76 lashes on charges of conspiracy and anti-government propaganda. She will appeal against her conviction.
Sep 24, 2010
Geninne of Geninne's Art Blog
Today I am super happy to introduce to you one of my personal favourites, Geninne's Art Blog - edited by Geninne, who only recently moved into a beautiful new house in Mexico.
Follow the jump below to find out more about her "happy art", why anyone can learn how to blog, and to have a look at a long list of other blogs by female artists Geninne warmly recommends.
Sep 23, 2010
For German Bloggers: Die Girls On Web Society
Einige von Euch kennen die Girls on Web Society auf Facebook bereits von der Mädchenmannschaft. Den anderen möchte ich sie hier wärmstens empfehlen. Neben der Möglichkeit, den Gruppenmitgliederinnen seinen eigenen Blog zu präsentieren, werden dort Neuigkeiten ausgetauscht, und hin und wieder gibt es sogar Real Life-Treffen mit leckeren Getränken. Wer möchte, darf das von Frl. Zucker gestaltete Logo (↗) der Gruppe - samt Link zu Facebook und Copyright-Hinweis - auch auf dem eigenen Blog ausstellen. Und falls Ihr vom Vernetzen dann noch nicht genug habt: Hurtig, hurtig dem GCB-Forum beitreten!
Sep 22, 2010
Sep 21, 2010
Sep 20, 2010
Sep 19, 2010
Jule of Aus dem Leben einer Stinkesocke
At 18, Jule is the youngest blogger introduced on GCB so far. On her blog "Aus dem Leben einer Stinkesocke" she describes her life as a paraplegic.
Follow the jump below to find out who Jule's blog is targeted at, about sexual harassment online, and why using the spell check before posting is mandatory.
Sep 18, 2010
How to Use Web Analyzing Programs and Search Engine Optimization
Danielle Maveal wrote an interesting article on how to best make use of web analyzing programs in order to collect data about our websites. There's also an older one on understanding search engine optimization. Both articles are suitable for beginners! (Image source)
Sep 17, 2010
Those of you who know me personally know that I'm a total sucker for knee socks. For example those that Anna Niestroj found the other day.
Sep 16, 2010
5 Good Reasons to Start Blogging
Someone did my job and listed five reasons why to start blogging. There must be more than five, but I wanted to show you the mentioned ones anyways. And since the original post is in German, I translated the subheadings below and added my own experiences to each point... Now, if you can think of other good reasons to hit the keyboard, please add them to the comment section!
1. Blogging connects people.
This is actually true - you will make new friends! If it hadn't been for Don Dahlmann, who got to know me through my other blog, and later introduced me to Nadine Lantzsch, who earlier this year pointed out to me Anne Roth's concerns about the invisibility of women on the web, GCB wouldn't have come into existence. Naturally, they are all bloggers. If you blog in English, your readership will grow even larger: So far, GCB has been visited by people from 72 countries!
2. Blogging educates.
Absolutely! In terms of media literacy, social behaviour and generally. Each time I portray a blogger, I learn something new about their field of interest. I had no idea, for example, that something like Anna's cycling blog existed. Or Pharmama's pharmacy blog. There's so much to take in on the web - simply sign up for a service like Google Reader and start exploring the blogosphere. Or, if you prefer interaction, check out the new GCB forum on yuku.
3. Blogging makes you happy.
Over time, you'll receive recognition and appreciation. There's nothing more pleasant than receiving a message from someone who likes your work. Beautiful photos, fashion and art on display will delight you. Try Smilla Dankert's Anders Anziehen, for example. And as for me: Incoming links and comments on posts make my day! :)
4. Blogging empowers.
It will help you build an opinion and defend it in discussions. Blogs like The Huffington Post or the Mädchenmannschaft will keep you up-to-date on current issues in your field and provide you with all necessary information to participate in the dialogue. Already after six months, I now draw strength from the network around GCB.
5. Blogging strengthens your personality.
Trust me, it will help you find out more about yourself and interests you might not even know you had. The support one is able to draw from a group of like-minded individuals is invaluable. I am always impressed when people I know stand up for themselves and share their honest opinions. They are the role models I look up to.
Still not convinced? Lack an original issue? Online diaries are blogs, too! Here are 100 Benefits of Journaling that might change your mind. ;)
Photo: Annina Luzie Schmid
1. Blogging connects people.
This is actually true - you will make new friends! If it hadn't been for Don Dahlmann, who got to know me through my other blog, and later introduced me to Nadine Lantzsch, who earlier this year pointed out to me Anne Roth's concerns about the invisibility of women on the web, GCB wouldn't have come into existence. Naturally, they are all bloggers. If you blog in English, your readership will grow even larger: So far, GCB has been visited by people from 72 countries!
2. Blogging educates.
Absolutely! In terms of media literacy, social behaviour and generally. Each time I portray a blogger, I learn something new about their field of interest. I had no idea, for example, that something like Anna's cycling blog existed. Or Pharmama's pharmacy blog. There's so much to take in on the web - simply sign up for a service like Google Reader and start exploring the blogosphere. Or, if you prefer interaction, check out the new GCB forum on yuku.
3. Blogging makes you happy.
Over time, you'll receive recognition and appreciation. There's nothing more pleasant than receiving a message from someone who likes your work. Beautiful photos, fashion and art on display will delight you. Try Smilla Dankert's Anders Anziehen, for example. And as for me: Incoming links and comments on posts make my day! :)
4. Blogging empowers.
It will help you build an opinion and defend it in discussions. Blogs like The Huffington Post or the Mädchenmannschaft will keep you up-to-date on current issues in your field and provide you with all necessary information to participate in the dialogue. Already after six months, I now draw strength from the network around GCB.
5. Blogging strengthens your personality.
Trust me, it will help you find out more about yourself and interests you might not even know you had. The support one is able to draw from a group of like-minded individuals is invaluable. I am always impressed when people I know stand up for themselves and share their honest opinions. They are the role models I look up to.
Still not convinced? Lack an original issue? Online diaries are blogs, too! Here are 100 Benefits of Journaling that might change your mind. ;)
Photo: Annina Luzie Schmid
New: The GCB Forum ! - - Neu: Das GCB Forum!
For a while already I have been thinking about setting up a GCB forum, but shied away from the additional workload of administrating it. However, when I translated Anna Eimerl's interview today (her blogger portrait will be up at the beginning of October), and she repeatedly expressed the wish for one, I thought: What the heck! And set one up - for now on yuku. (If you have never visited a forum before, you might be interested in the yuku FAQ or yuku's support page.)
Obviously, the GCB forum is still very much in its infancy, I've only put up one topic for discussion so far - Advertising on Blogs. Since GCB has both German and international readers, I would like the forum to be bilingual. Posts may be submitted both in English and in German. I very much hope that I created a space where you all feel comfortable enough to ask pressing questions on blogging and related topics and discuss them. As of yet, posts are visible to the general public, but you need to be registered to leave a reply. If you're unhappy about that and would like the forum closed, please indicate that to me and I will reconsider. Registration is free, so please don't be shy and participate! And if you're interested in becoming an admin, even better... ;)
Ich hatte schon eine Weile darüber nachgedacht, auch ein GCB Forum einzurichten, bin bisher aber jeweils vor der zusätzlichen Arbeit, die mit dessen Verwaltung einhergehen wird, zurückgeschreckt. Als ich jedoch heute Anna Eimerls Interview übersetzte (ihr Blogger Portrait wird Anfang Oktober erscheinen), in dem sie wiederholt den Wunsch nach einem solchen Forum äußerte, dachte ich was soll's, und habe eines aufgesetzt - zunächst auf yuku. (Falls Du noch nie ein Forum benutzt hast, kannst Du z.B. auf der yuku FAQ Seite oder der yuku support page nachlesen, wie's geht.)
Das GCB Forum steckt natürlich noch absolut in den Kinderschuhen, ich habe auch erst ein Thema zur Diskussion gestellt: Werbung auf Blogs. Da GCB sowohl deutschsprachige als auch internationale Leser hat, habe ich das Forum bilingual eingerichtet. Posts können sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch veröffentlicht werden. Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich einen Raum schaffen konnte, in dem Ihr Euch wohl genug fühlt, um dringende Fragen rund um das Thema Blogs stellen zu können, und diese dann auch zu diskutieren. Derzeit sind Beiträge noch für die Öffentlichkeit sichtbar, eine Registrierung ist jedoch erforderlich, wenn man einen Beitrag hinterlassen möchte. Wenn Euch das nicht recht ist und ihr lieber ein völlig privates Forum hättet, lasst es mich wissen, und ich denke noch einmal nach. Die Registrierung ist natürlich umsonst, also traut Euch und diskutiert mit! Und wenn Ihr gerne Administrator/in werden würdet, umso besser... ;)
Das GCB Forum steckt natürlich noch absolut in den Kinderschuhen, ich habe auch erst ein Thema zur Diskussion gestellt: Werbung auf Blogs. Da GCB sowohl deutschsprachige als auch internationale Leser hat, habe ich das Forum bilingual eingerichtet. Posts können sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch veröffentlicht werden. Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich einen Raum schaffen konnte, in dem Ihr Euch wohl genug fühlt, um dringende Fragen rund um das Thema Blogs stellen zu können, und diese dann auch zu diskutieren. Derzeit sind Beiträge noch für die Öffentlichkeit sichtbar, eine Registrierung ist jedoch erforderlich, wenn man einen Beitrag hinterlassen möchte. Wenn Euch das nicht recht ist und ihr lieber ein völlig privates Forum hättet, lasst es mich wissen, und ich denke noch einmal nach. Die Registrierung ist natürlich umsonst, also traut Euch und diskutiert mit! Und wenn Ihr gerne Administrator/in werden würdet, umso besser... ;)
Sep 15, 2010
I am pleased to announce the winners of the recent GCB audio book draw.
They are:

In the names of Oliver Bottini and myself, I'd like to thank all participants and involved bloggers for their time and effort. I hope you enjoyed the draw as much as I did!
I'll do my best to provide you with other interesting GCB lotteries in the future.
(Image by Miriam Paulsen)
* Bitte melde Dich bei mir, ich kann Dich per E-Mail leider derzeit nicht erreichen... Danke! :)
They are:
Sabrina M. from Velbert-Neviges (via Girls Can Blog).
Stephyb@... (via Janasworld).*
Henning F. from Speicher (via Die Klappentexterin).
Mechthild H. from Ingolstadt (via Love German Books).
Gosiline@... (via on Tschau Tschüssi).

In the names of Oliver Bottini and myself, I'd like to thank all participants and involved bloggers for their time and effort. I hope you enjoyed the draw as much as I did!
I'll do my best to provide you with other interesting GCB lotteries in the future.
(Image by Miriam Paulsen)
* Bitte melde Dich bei mir, ich kann Dich per E-Mail leider derzeit nicht erreichen... Danke! :)
Reading Murakami 1Q84
Four female German litbloggers have teamed up to bring you the ultimate Haruki Murakami experience:
Ada Mitsou, Bibliophilin, Der Blaue Raum and Klappentexterin (or here on GCB) created a blog called Reading Murakami - Four Women, One Man, and a Love that Unites. Follow the link above for a collective reading experience of a different kind. All the best for this interesting project!
Sep 14, 2010
Dorothée Quarz of Wer kümmert sich um's Kind?
Journalist Dorothée Quarz's blog Wer kümmert sich ums Kind? Mütter erzählen. ["Who's looking after the kid? Mothers report."] debuts as the first static blog introduced on GCB.
Follow the jump below to find out why her interview project, that was originally meant to become a book, is better off on a blog, and why guidebooks on how to be a better mother will do you more harm than good.

Follow the jump below to find out why her interview project, that was originally meant to become a book, is better off on a blog, and why guidebooks on how to be a better mother will do you more harm than good.
Sep 13, 2010
Bake a Cake, Build a Bomb, Design a Poster
Missy Magazine reminds us of their current Bake a Cake, Build a Bomb task* by introducing the Feminist Poster Project blog. I like!
*Design a poster and display it somewhere in your city before 30 September 2010. More info here.
*Design a poster and display it somewhere in your city before 30 September 2010. More info here.
Update: Shiva Nazar Ahari Released on Bail
According to Reporters Without Borders, Shiva Nazar Ahari was released on a $500.000 bail on Sunday, 12 September 2010. Her sentence is still pending. More Information is to follow soon. THANK YOU for your support!
Sep 12, 2010
3 Things to do on a Sunday Afternoon
1* Susi compiled a useful list of 50 free icon sets for bloggers and web designers. Have a look around and choose what you like!
2* Thanks to your participation in the "My Blog is Carbon Neutral" initiative, Mach's Grün could already plant a small forest! However, they are still itching to plant more trees with the help of bloggers. See this previous post for more information on how to support their idea for free.
3* The Bottini audio book draw is only running for two more days. To win a package containing three audio books, simply send an email including your address and signature wish to girlscanblog [at] googlemail [dot] com. Don't be shy! And in order to increase your chances, participate in identical draws at Tschau Tschüssi, Love German Books, Die Klappentexterin, and Janasworld.
Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!
Sep 11, 2010
Update: Judgement Arrested in Blogger Shiva Nazar Ahari's Case
Watch a bi-lingual Farsi and German video of the announced protests in in Berlin below or update yourself on the background of her case first.
6 PhD Scholarships (Berlin)
The Berlin Schook of Economics and Law funds six PhD scholarships for female graduates of Universities of Applied Sciences living in Berlin, starting 1 January 2011. More info on how to apply until 21 November 2010 here.
Sep 10, 2010
Sep 9, 2010
Sonja of Fr. Jona&son

I stumbled across eco fashion blog Fr. Jona&son not too long ago and was immediately struck by its seemingly eclectic, yet organized character.
Follow the jump below to find out what difference its editor Sonja sees between her own and other style blogs, why she likes to name and shame, and why a good educational background helps - no matter what you are blogging about.
Sep 8, 2010
Los Superdemokraticos Launch "Kooperativa"
Besides editing her own blog, Nikola Richter is also one of two brains behind the Los Superdemokraticos project: An "intellectual fair trade" initiative between Germany and Latin America.
Today, they have launched an online association called Kooperativa that aims at bringing together writers, journalists, independent publishers, cultural magazines and projects, translators and other interested individuals.
Kooperativa is meant to provide a forum for the discussion on new forms of production and distribution of intellectual goods on the web. If you'd like to join the debate on original ideas, just introduce yourself and your Internet project on their site - the more, the merrier!
(The other founder of Los Superdemokraticos is writer Rery Maldonado. Both she and Nikola were introduced in a Tagesspiegel article a couple of weeks back.)

Kooperativa is meant to provide a forum for the discussion on new forms of production and distribution of intellectual goods on the web. If you'd like to join the debate on original ideas, just introduce yourself and your Internet project on their site - the more, the merrier!
(The other founder of Los Superdemokraticos is writer Rery Maldonado. Both she and Nikola were introduced in a Tagesspiegel article a couple of weeks back.)
Eingestellt von
Blogs + Blogging,
Latin America,
Sep 7, 2010
Recap: Thoughts on Blogging Women
A week ago, Anne Roth compiled an extensive German link list of articles on blogging women. (Via Mädchenmannschaft)
Just a Quick Reminder
The GCB audio book draw is running for another seven days.
Increase your chances of winning by also participating in the draws of Tschau Tschüssi, Love German Books, Die Klappentexterin, and Janasworld.
Increase your chances of winning by also participating in the draws of Tschau Tschüssi, Love German Books, Die Klappentexterin, and Janasworld.
Sep 6, 2010
Sep 4, 2010
Raffaela of Frauenzimmer
Raffaela's blog Frauenzimmer is a charming celebration of female beauty.
Follow the jump below to find out which target group advertisers tend to forget about, who Raffaela's desired readers would be, and why editorial independence is more important to her than analyzing visitor statistics.
Eingestellt von
Arts + Culture,
Blogger Portrait Series,
Sep 2, 2010
Sep 1, 2010
Women in Crime Novels: Oliver Bottini Interview and Audio Book Draw!
Together with four other blogs, GCB raffles one of five German audio book packages worth 75€.
Each package includes three crime novels written by Oliver Bottini that are narrated by famous German actress Martina Gedeck.
Follow the jump below to find out more about the role of women in Oliver's work, and for instructions on how to participate in the draw.
*Das deutsche Originalinterview und eine Anleitung zur
Gewinnspielteilnahme findet Ihr ebenfalls nach der Umleitung*
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